
$ 59.99

  • 5-day Free Trial
  • 15+ Custom Studies
  • Education
  • Customer Support
  • $120 savings
Subscribe Now


$ 599

  • 30-days Extra Free
  • 15+ Custom Studies
  • Education
  • Customer Support
  • $120 in savings
Subscribe Now

What do you get with the subscription?

  • Download all of our trading software studies, this includes 15 studies along with our most popular Reconstructed Tape study!
  • View our trading educational videos on how to set up and use studies
  • Continued updates and feature improvements
  • Any new studies that are created
  • The trial will switch to a paid subscription once the trial ends

Account Activation

Your account will be activated immediately, giving you full access to download over 15 different studies that you can make use of right away after restarting Sierra Chart.

  • You’ll also get access to our entire library of trading educational videos.
  • You’ll also get access to download all of our chartbook software so that you can easily copy over our study configurations.

The custom studies package has helped my day to day execution as much as anything that I’ve learned or used. They help me manage my risk and it frees me up to focus on context. I can’t recommend them enough!


I have finally found the overflow tool set I have been looking for. The reconstructed tape study makes reading buying and selling pressure so much easier. I can heartily recommend them.


Awesome Custom Studies that help develop your own trading process and set you up for success. The price is low enough to make it accessible to everyone.


Fun waiting for the pinch release with the actual namesake of the custom study.


This pinch already paid for a year of custom studies sub


How everyone in The Pit has not signed up for the studies is beyond me.


I feel like the tape alone pays for itself and the other studies are just a bonus.


The custom studies give an amazingly clear picture of market activity. I utilize them daily and they are powerful tools for success. Knowing when/where to execute a position has limitless value!


Wow!! The reconstructed tape is awesome! It kept me out of what would of been my normal early long. Helped me identify the better time to get long. While long, it showed me the time to exit as buying dried up. It has replaced my T&S!
